Our family business was started by 24 year old Bjarne Hjelmtvedt in 1938. He sold the zippers that were produced by the Norwegian Zipper Factory in Tønsberg. When the war came, the metal-deficient and the zipper production practically stopped, but after the war it slowly came back. The customers at that time - and until the 70's, where primarily the clothing industry in Norway. It was annually sold zippers in the millions, until the Norwegian clothing industry was outcompeted. But before that zipper production in Tønsberg was shut down and imported zippers overtoktok market. Our company was part of introducing the nylon zipper on the Norwegian market in 1957. After a few years it had conquered most of the market.
Phone: (+47) 32 89 22 11
Fax: (+47) 32 89 14 37
E-mail: firma@hjelmtvedt.no
Phone: (+46) 522 89220
Fax: (+46) 522 89218
E-mail: info@fantasycraft.se
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